Note: Remember - You do not have to fill in all of the fields if you do not want to. However, none of the information can be directly connected to you or your entry in
Please select the County your band is based in
* Select "Outside Ireland" if appropriate
How many people, including yourself, are in your band
* Enter digits, not words (i.e. 1, 4, or 6 etc and not One, Four or Six etc.)
What is the average age of your band?
* Enter digits, not words
How many times per year does your band play live?
* If none, enter 0. Enter digits, not words
How many releases (Singles, EPs or Albums) has your band made in it's lifetime?
* If none, enter 0. Enter digits, not words
Are you/your band members of IMRO (yes/no)?
Are you/your band members of RAAP (yes/no)?
Have you/your band ever heard of Music Control, and what it does (yes/no)?
Are you, or would you consider being, members of a musicians Union (yes/no)?
Are you involved in other organisations designed to assist developing Irish music (ie. Gigsmart etc) (yes/no)?
* NB: Please let us know what you think of, how we can improve it, what you would do different and so on...

* = Required field