Uncle Nova - . (undefined genre)


We formed in October 2002.

We don't really play a definitive style, which we hope is a good thing, although influences stretch from Gomez all the way to Damien Rice, back up to The Red Hot Chilli Peppers and a dash of Ocean Colour Scene.

We have played a few gigs in Dublin City and are linking up with a promotion
company for future projects.

Sean Carpenter is lead vocalist, in certain songs he picks up his battered
old Tanglewood acoustic. David Kane is on lead guitar and general bollockin around. He uses a Les Paul
Gold, a copy or the real thing is a mystery. Ian Langton is the harmonising backing vocalist who sounds like a horse
riding a piano.He uses a Legend bass guitar, a definite copy of a Fender bass, no doubt about it. Conor O'Reilly on drums uses Pearl Target series, pardon me.

It has been rumoured by a good friend that Marty Whelan, who used to host
Winning Streak got his hands on our demo. Things are looking up, I tell thee.

We are serious about our music but have a great auld laugh along the way.It
is the band's dream as a whole to one day walk out on either the Rising or
the Main Stage of Witnness, to be it one or one thousand roaring fans.

We have a two track demo we recorded in the summer of 2003.You can download the songs from the links on the left side of the page. If you'd like a full copy of the demo just send us a quick e-mail with your address and we'll
dish one out.

We have been getting good feedback from the demo, with a bit of interest
from higher people in the beautiful music industry that it is.

Tracks available for download (if any):
FM http://www.unclenova.com/fm.mp3
Cold Sessions http://www.unclenova.com/coldsessions.mp3